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1 EiMitch  Mon, Nov 26, 2012 9:47:23pm

Open letter to Rogers:

Our government needs to raise revenue, but that’s accomplished by spurring the economy in the form of tax breaks for job creators. In short — if we take care of the job creators, they’ll take care of us.

Nice theory, but its been put to the test multiple times. Most recently, the last several years. It doesn't work. The "job creators" have been creating sweatshop jobs overseas, and thats about it.

Republicans like to blame Obama for taking four years to bring unemployment back down, while ignoring their own obstructionism. But if there was any truth to the whole "tax-break/trickle-down/supply-side" theory, the existing Bush tax cuts should've been enough.

But you insist that its because those taxes aren't low enough. Nevermind that effective tax-rates for large-corporations and wealthy individuals are lower here in America than pretty much anywhere else on Earth. Fact-checker, you are not.

2 watching you tiny alien kittens are  Mon, Nov 26, 2012 9:48:39pm
if we take care of the job creators, they’ll take care of us.

In a factory dormitory, next to the company store, only a block away from the company cafeteria, and it even has showers and latrines in the back!

3 philosophus invidius  Mon, Nov 26, 2012 9:52:59pm

There was also an earlier Page and discussion about this curious website:

4 watching you tiny alien kittens are  Mon, Nov 26, 2012 10:00:31pm

re: #3 philosophus invidius

Yep I was present for both, and personally still leaning towards poe. I left a comment there, an improved and updated version of my comment above.

"In short -- if we take care of the job creators, they'll take care of us."

They sure will, they will rent you a room in a factory dormitory, right next to the company store, only a block away from the almost cheap company cafeteria, and the dormitory will even have showers and latrines in the back!

5 TedStriker  Mon, Nov 26, 2012 11:54:49pm

The fact that "conservative" Congresspeople have been pledging fealty to someone who isn't even one of their constituents, over the people who are their constituents and the welfare of the country at large, says a lot.

And so does the fact that some of these people who are walking away from Emperor Norquist...they see their career dissipation light going into high gear if they don't appear to be working with the Democrats this time around.

6 nines09  Tue, Nov 27, 2012 3:52:16am

Oaths of fealty to one outside of elected office by elected officials. Nothing wrong there.

7 HappyWarrior  Tue, Nov 27, 2012 5:23:11am

Fine take his stupid oaths. Just don't bitch to me about the deficit being the president's fault when you refuse to have any flexibility and take an oath to a stupid little man who cares more about purity than actually getting shit done.

8 Political Atheist  Tue, Nov 27, 2012 6:43:41am

Fiscal conservative does not mean no tax increases. It includes all the careful economic tools. This is about ego, not economics.

9 HappyWarrior  Tue, Nov 27, 2012 7:08:20am

re: #8 Political Atheist

Fiscal conservative does not mean no tax increases. It includes all the careful economic tools. This is about ego, not economics.

Exactly. This isn't fiscal conservatism. It's never been really. A real fiscal conservative would consider raising taxes or cutting from DoD if he thought it was necessary to help the debt. That's why I reject these guys calling themselves fiscal cons. They're tax cuts above all conservatives not fiscal conservatives, and while I disagree with fiscal conservative philosophy, it is at least a principled stance compared with what Norquist and his allies engage in.

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